Digoxin 再現風華
在JAMA一篇Commentary的文章,為甚麼會提到這個議題呢?因為儘管新的治療藥物興起,近十年來依照evidenced-based證據所做的大規模研究顯示,Acute heart failure syndrome在90天內的死亡率與再住院率,還是高達15, 與30%,而所謂作者理想的藥物特質,digoxin也佔了不少哩!
- improve hemodynamics without adversely affecting heart rate or blood pressure or increasing myocardial oxygen demand and without reducing coronary perfusion (既要馬兒跑又要馬兒不吃草)
- prevent further neurohormonal activation, favorably modulate the existing neurohormonal milieu, or both (不激化內在神經賀爾蒙梯度,最好還能改善神經賀爾蒙的調節)
- be applicable in the context of known evidence-based therapies, such as ACE inhibitors and β-blockers (能在既有尋證治療中 錦上添花)
- help control ventricular rate in atrial fibrillation (是其強項)
- have a formulation for intravenous use during the acute phase of heart failure and an oral formulation for long-term use (也是強項)
- importantly, improve symptoms and signs, decrease rehospitalization rate, improve survival, or all 3 (也有RCT證據)
- be affordable for the millions of patients with heart failure throughout the world.(最大的強項)